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30 Courses

Friendship Development
Professional Development Courses
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Professional Development Courses

Friendship Development

Friendship begins at a young age. Throughout this course, you will gain an understanding of what friendship is at different ages and how to promote friendship and social skills for young children.

Approaching Anti-Bias with Young Children
Professional Development Courses
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Professional Development Courses

Approaching Anti-Bias with Young Children

Throughout this course, teachers and childcare providers will learn how to educate young children using an anti-bias and multicultural approach. 

Becoming an In-Charge Team Member
Professional Development Courses
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Professional Development Courses

Becoming an In-Charge Team Member

This course is to help team members advance from teachers to director and administration roles within a center.

Building STEM Skills with Building Blocks
Professional Development Courses
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Professional Development Courses

Building STEM Skills with Building Blocks

Block play is a great way to explore STEM concepts. Throughout this course, you will learn that blocks can be more than blocks. Students will learn how block play can encourage exploration and expand their problem-solving skills.

Child Motor Skills Development
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Professional Development Courses

Child Motor Skills Development

Children are constantly on the move. Throughout this course, you will learn the differences between gross and fine motor skills, the importance of movement throughout the day, and how it benefits students even at a young age. 

Designing Developmentally Appropriate Toys and Activities
Professional Development Courses
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Professional Development Courses

Designing Developmentally Appropriate Toys and Activities

Children learn a lot from what they play with. Many toys have labels that state what age they are good for. However, that is not the only thing to consider when looking for toys or creating activities in your classroom. Throughout this course, you will learn different ways to identify if a toy or activity is developmentally appropriate for the students in your classroom. 

Effective Story Time in the Classroom
Professional Development Courses
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Professional Development Courses

Effective Story Time in the Classroom

Even at a young age, children love to listen to stories. It does not matter if it is a real story or one you made up. Throughout this course, you will learn the value of literature for children and how to keep them engaged during storytime. 

Embracing Uniqueness: Celebrating Every Child's Individuality
Professional Development Courses
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Professional Development Courses

Embracing Uniqueness: Celebrating Every Child's Individuality

Every child is unique in their own way. Throughout this course you will learn to identify different behaviors and learning styles. You will learn how to adapt your teaching to accommodate all students. 

Empathetic Communication
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Professional Development Courses

Empathetic Communication

In this course you will learn how to communicate with families with empathy.

Encouraging Family Relationships
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Professional Development Courses

Encouraging Family Relationships

Families are a big part of how your school functions. Throughout this course, you will learn how to create valuable relationships with your students' parents, handle complex barriers, manage conflicts, and communicate effectively with your families in the center. 

Helping Children Cope with Separation Anxiety
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Professional Development Courses

Helping Children Cope with Separation Anxiety

Young children may have many difficulties when entering a new environment. They grow attached to those they feel close to. Throughout this course, you will be able to identify when a student is having separation anxiety. You will learn how to approach it, ease a child's mind, and help them manage their separation anxiety. 

How to Handle Challenging Behaviors with Families
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Professional Development Courses

How to Handle Challenging Behaviors with Families

Challenging behaviors are bound to happen in your classroom. Throughout this course, you will learn when to approach a family member. Working with the families when challenging behaviors happen will help show the child that everyone is there to help them and that they are on the same page. 

Integrating Music in The Classroom
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Professional Development Courses

Integrating Music in The Classroom

Children respond to music and movement from a young age. In this course, you will learn how to integrate music throughout the day in your classroom and how it can help students express themselves.

Introducing Developmentally Appropriate Literature to Young Children
Professional Development Courses
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Professional Development Courses

Introducing Developmentally Appropriate Literature to Young Children

By embracing the principles and practices discussed in this course, you will be equipped to create enriching literary experiences that nurture the growth and development of the young learners in your care.

Managing Bullies Within The Classroom
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Professional Development Courses

Managing Bullies Within The Classroom

Bullying in the classroom is a pervasive issue that can significantly impact students' mental health, academic performance, and overall well-being.

Managing Conflict in the Child Care Workplace
Professional Development Courses
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Professional Development Courses

Managing Conflict in the Child Care Workplace

This course will teach you how to properly manage conflict while working in the early childcare education workplace.

Positive Discipline with Young Children
Professional Development Courses
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Professional Development Courses

Positive Discipline with Young Children

Many different problems may arise in the classroom. Throughout this course, you will learn how to disciple students positively, prevent common misbehaviors, and teach children how to handle situations safely. You will also learn how to guide students in learning self-control and promote positive behaviors.

Preventing Misbehavior In Your Classroom
Professional Development Courses
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Professional Development Courses

Preventing Misbehavior In Your Classroom

No matter what classroom you are in, there is a chance of a child misbehaving. Throughout this course, you will learn the triggers of child misbehavior and ways to prevent it from happening in the future. 

Reducing Tantrums
Professional Development Courses
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Professional Development Courses

Reducing Tantrums

Tantrums often happen in toddler and preschool classrooms. Through this course, you will learn ways to identify when a tantrum is coming and ways to prevent it from happening in the future. 

Smooth Transitions: Navigating Transition Times with Young Children
Professional Development Courses
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Professional Development Courses

Smooth Transitions: Navigating Transition Times with Young Children

Transitions can sometimes be among the most chaotic times of the day. Throughout this course, you will learn how to ease your students into transitions from activity to activity. 

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