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Excellence Certification Mentee Portfolio
IC360 Excellence Certification
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IC360 Excellence Certification

Excellence Certification Mentee Portfolio

In order to complete the portfolio, students must have completed all aspects of the online course.  The materials presented in the online course, form the basis for the portfolio contents, Read the directions carefully. 

First you will upload your completed printable for this course. After you, your teammates, and your supervisor have completed and signed all parts of the printable use a laptop, desk top, tablet or mobile device to upload your completed printable. 

Next, for each of the seven content areas, you covered in the printable, you will read and respond to scenarios that present several issues, questions or challenges that you must address in each scenario. For each scenario you will be asked questions or presented issues where you need to consider your school culture, your school policies and procedures, and your school's regulations.  These questions will require you to demonstrate that you::

  1. Know the Information
  2. Understand the Information
  3. Demonstrate  the information 
  4. Apply the Information
  5. Teach the Information 

You will type your answers to the scenarios directly into the course response areas. You will add approved images to each section and guidance for fellow team members. Your answers must demonstrate a high level of mastery. Use your onsite printable lesson for guidance and notes.  

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